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  • Writer's picturekwankew

Staying Put in Kathmandu

Shanti Nepal did not supply us with a list of VDCs to do further assessment so we could not proceed today. Instead we split up into two teams, one to attend the medical team and the other WASH meetings. I was sent with another nurse to the WASH meeting although I know very little about WASH (Water and Sanitation and Hygiene). MTI is directly involved in this area but since there was nothing else to do we went there to gather information.

Later at our group meeting I learned that there would not be another assessment till the day of my departure so my flight was moved forward and I would be leaving tomorrow.

From the Rooftop of Paradise

Tonight four of us went to Paradise Restaurant, a rooftop eatery overlooking the stupa and the rest of the shops surrounding it. Thunder and lightning began and it quickly became gusty. Soon the rain came pelting down. The Monsoon season is still about one to two months away but the people who shelter under a tarpaulin slung over a horizontal pole would not get much protection from the wind and the rain. The field in Kathmandu we drove by seemed to be filled up with more and more tents each day. Better temporary housing should be planned for them before the full onslaught of the monsoon.

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