Yesterday there were a couple of after shocks around 5 am but I did not feel them. The people who slept in the house felt it shake and they immediately ran out. I heard the commotion but did not know what it was all about. At around 2 am I felt the earth rumble beneath my back; there were a couple of after shocks around 5 on the Richter's scale. It was rather strange feeling. Most of the people who slept in the house the night before decided to spend the night outside. Tonight there was a strong wind whipping the tent, with the flyer off, I could see the stars which were plentiful. It was a lovely and perfect night except for the after shocks.
I was called to see several patients in consultation: a man with an abscess in his middle finger and I gave him a digital block to lance the abscess, a lady with chemical burn on her neck and upper chest awhile back and now healed with massive keloid, and a man with a hydrocele probably from filariasis and chyle drainage through his urinary system...
A father brought his 6-year-old diagnosed with a hole in his heart trying to get surgical treatment, a young lady who was the only survivor of a tap tap accident five years ago had her jaw clipped shut and was only able to drink liquid came hoping to get her jaw reopened. We began a list of patients to give to Gale hoping that something could be done for them.
There was a food distribution by PID in Bon Repos yesterday and there were a few bags left over. These I gave to a wasted young woman who just completed her treatment for tuberculosis and another lady who was 18 years old but looked more like a twelve-year-old. They were happy beyond measure.
The baby, Kristy that Susie was trying to bring to the US with the blessing of her parents was finally brought back from the DR by her father, reunited with her mother. Her mother's milk had dried up but the baby was really happy.
On our way home we stopped a t a crowded village putting up a tarp shelter for a man who had a stroke and could not get into his house easily. He was Darleen's patient. While we did that, others came forward to request the same and several children asked for food because they were hungry...The misery never stopped.
In the evening we played "nose" and "ninety-nine", it was quite hilarious and fun. The downside of the evening was we learned that Samuel's surgery ran into another road-block. It was still up in the air.
